Boxers von Bachbett
The American Home of the Working German Boxer

Fay von Bachbett, CGC, TKN, TKI

Fay is the daughter of Bodacious von Bachbett and Advokat von Bachbett. Her grandparents are four outstanding working Boxers- Sam von Bachbett, IPO3, DPO1, FH1, Police VSK, StPr3, BST, our 2015 USA-BOX National Siegerin Police K9 Olissa vom Verdener Dom, BH, AD, ZTP, the Atibox World Working Champion & German National Working Veith von Altenburg, IPO3, VPG3, and our Itzi-Bitzi vom Advokat, IPO2, ZTP. Fay has had two Bachbett litters, and has retired from our breeding program. She is now available to an approved forever home! She has the AKC titles of Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Trick Dog Novice (TKN) & Trick Dog Intermediate (TDI), and is a well trained, healthy girl with an excellent temperament and a fun, playful personality. She is also trained as a narcotic detection dog! Contact us for more info!