Boxers von Bachbett
The American Home of the Working German Boxer

Cathy Hubert-Markos
I have been a professional dog trainer and training instructor for 25+ years, with over 7000 dogs and their owners/handlers trained. I have worked with up to 500 dogs a year and have experience training with over 100 breeds. I am a graduate of the University of Wisconsin with a Bachelor of Science - Animal Science emphasis.

Experience Counts
Additionally, as a trainer, instructor, and canine specialist
• National Dog Trainer's Association (NDTA) Certified Master Trainer
• National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI)
certified member with six separate endorsements as an instructor
• Have taught and offered training in:
Puppy Kindergarten
Basic Manners Obedience
Advanced Manners Obedience
Behavior Problem Solving
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Programs
Therapy Dog
Novice, Open, and Utility Competition Obedience
Conformation Ring Handling
Beginning and Advanced Tracking
Beginning and Advanced Agility
Police dog and handler training
Narcotic Detector Dog nosework
• Have been a trainer/instructor for:
LaCrosse Dog Training (owner 20 years)
Bachbett Kennels (co-owner since the 1990s)
LaCrosse Schutzhund and Police Dog Association
Great River Working Dog Association
Hearing & Service Dog Program of Minnesota (Can Do Canines)
• AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator (Puppy S.T.A.R., CGC, Urban CGC, Community Canine CGC, Trick Dog)
• Canine courtroom expert witness
• State and federally licensed police dog trainer/handler & am a certified K9 handler
• Have trained over 40 Police K9 dogs and their handlers for municipal or county law enforcement.
• Canine speaker, seminar and workshop presenter, for dog clubs, law enforcement, civic groups, government agencies.
• Judge for tracking, obedience and conformation matches, 4H fair dog judge (in 3 states), agility trials. and police dog certifications.
• Author of six training class manuals and numerous dog related articles for books, magazines, newsletters and websites.
• Breeder of working German Boxers under the kennel name of “Boxers von Bachbett” since the 1990s. Have produced some of the top Boxers performing police work, performance events and schutzhund.
I have been privileged to have worked with and learned from some of the best dog trainers in the United States and Europe. From immersive workshops and "camps", to months, and even years, of working together, these people helped shaped me into the trainer I have become. I continue seeking to find and learn the best modern training methods available, because learning is a never-ending process.
Terry Ryan - One of the true pioneers of clicker training in the United States!
Ivan Balabanov – Multiple US National & World IPO Champion (Malinois)
Janice DeMello & Annemarie Silverton - Two trainers responsible for bringing concepts of attention, focus, engagement into competition training world, showing us what TRUE teamwork is.
William Kulla – Multiple IPO Championships (GSD)
Randy Rhodes - Multiple IPO Championships (GSD)
Richard & Ingrid Kornherr - 2x IPO German National Champion (Boxer), SHV Champion (Malinois), IPO World Champion (Boxer)
Dennis Bauer - 2x German IPO National Champion (Boxer), 2x IPO World Champion (Boxer), FCI (all breed) IPO World Champion (Boxer), DHV Champion (Malinois)
Marcus Neutz – IPO German National Champion (Doberman) (Malinois) (Schnauzer), Command of 100s of Police K9s at Baden-Wurtenburg (Germany) Police K9 center. USA Special Forces K9 trainer consultant.
Bruno Kastelic-Sakoparnig – Austrian FH Tracking Champion (GSD) (Boxer). Police K9 handler/instructor in Austria.
Bart Bellon – Belgium RING World Champion, Teacher, Theorist, Inventor
Alexander Paul – 2x German & 2x World Champion (Boxer), German Military & NATO K9 Trainer, USA Special Forces K9 Trainer consultant
Mitch Schneider- my original mentor. Number one obedience competitor in the US when I began training with him, when I was barely more than a school kid. He recognized something in me and pushed me to excel at my training work. He started me on a path that has defined who I am in my life.
Accomplishments with my personal dogs
I have competed with, titled/certified, 18 of my own dogs in obedience, schutzhund, conformation, agility, tracking, IPO, DPO, Police K9 certifications, and Search & Rescue. I have competed with my dogs throughout the US, in Canada, and in Europe. (Dogs with "von Bachbett" in their names were also bred by myself and my husband).
USA-BOX National Siegerin Xenia von Sparta, BH, SchH3, IPO2, FH2, WH, TR1, VCD1, CDX, TD, NA, NAJ, ACX, AJX, O-V, VCCX, CGC, TDI, BST, Police Dog Tracker
USA-BOX Vice Sieger & Certified Police K9 Irco vom Weiten Land, SchH3, IPO3, DPO1, FH1, BST
AKC Champion Sondergeist Juwel von Roth, CD, CDX, TD, CGC, Search & Rescue Dog
Certified Police K9 Icke vom Silvertbach, BH, IPO2, IPO-VO, StPr1, Police Dog VSK
Mi-Jo-Ti's Kleine Liebchen, American & Canadian CD, CDX, UD, CGC, TDI
Itzi-Bitzi vom Advokat, IPO2, TR1
USA-BOX Best Puppy & Police K9 Shawnee von Bachbett
Axel von Bachbett, BH, SchH1
Police K9 Diva von Bachbett, BH, SchH1
Dolly von den Almeauen, certified Narcotic Detector Dog and Police Tracker Dog
Geraldine von Hamann's Ranch, BH, SchH1, BST
Elke von Bachbett, certified Narcotic Detector Dog
Oda de Villamourel, BH
USA-BOX National Siegerin & Police K9 Olissa vom Verdener Dom, BH, AD
Grobi vom Hafen, SchH1, FH2 awarded "V" show rating at Bundessieger-Zuchtschau in Germany
Police K9 Heline vom Talersberg, SchH2, DPO1, BST
USA-BOX Best in Show & National Sieger Elastic Lacoste, IPO1
Sheba's Thornapple Ellie- Minnesota Brittany Club Best Puppy, High in Match, AKC championship pointed- sadly, Ellie died of a genetic disorder at 2 years.
Have been awarded:
AKC Obedience High in Trial
Schutzhund High in Trial
Working Champion of the Year
Multiple USA-BOX National Sieger/Siegerins
Best in Specialty Show
American Boxer Club Performance Dog of the Year
Present or past member of the following dog organizations:
National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors (NADOI)
Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT)
Coulee Kennel Club (past Pres., VP, Treasurer, Board Member, Show Chair, Obedience Chair)
Great River Working Dog Association (Officer)
Upper Iowa Training Club
United States Police Canine Association (USPCA)
North American Police Work Dog Association (NAPWDA)
American Working Dog Federation AWDF (past Boxer club delegate)
United Schutzhund Clubs of America (USCA)
DVG America Schutzhund Organization
United States Boxer Association (Vice President, newsletter editor, & webmaster for 11 years)
Standard Schnauzer Club of America
Northwoods Boxer Club
Croix Valley Tracking Club
Boxer Klub of Munich
Therapy Dogs International (certified evaluator for 10 years)
La Crosse Schutzhund and Police Dog Association
Minnesota Valley Schutzhund Verein
Skunk Hollow Schutzhund Club
Wisconsin Canine Search & Recovery Association
National Dog Groomer's Association of America